The Stables

You've been exploring Vesu City for much of the day, curious and eager to see everything the massive crater city has to offer. Finally taking a break on the outskirts, just before the passageway to the rolling outer hills, you stumble upon a quaint, but well equipped stable. Strange, sparking equipment rises off the roofing, like birds come to roost. You spot flashes of iridescent feathers between it all - Sootbirds - as the small creatures watch your approach. You hear what seems like a small explosion, followed by laughter as a large taur-like person comes crashing through the stable doors, followed by a flood of small Wolpergeists. You're almost bowled over by the figure, who stumbles to a halt in surprise.
Welcome to the Pet Shop! You can purchase small critters and related items here.
Slots And Traits
Blank Slab of Alabaster
Cost: 300 

Abyssal Koi
Cost: 300 

Crystal-banded Caterpillar
Cost: 300 

Cost: 300 

Spectral Star
Cost: 300