Submission (#98) Approved

27 March 2024, 07:40:30 CET (11 months ago)
29 March 2024, 18:10:15 CET (11 months ago) by Licht
(600 words - Combined prompt answering for all 3 of my Kyrlicht)

Mera was sure they would never be invited to a picnic again. Taking a look at the display before him, he couldn’t say he would judge either.

There was a classic red and white checkered blanket courtesy of Tosa, and it was weighed down by almost identical wicker baskets from her and the others. They were mostly emptied by the time Mera arrived, the contents spread across the blanket in a manner somewhere between organized and haphazard. Clearly it was a team effort between Tosa and Hyacinth, since the latter would be far too distracted by different snacks to lay out as nice of a display as Tosa.

It was obvious what was from each, too. Tosa was obviously swayed by classic tales of picnics and what they should entail. Beside her basket was a perfectly measured cheese platter. Each slice was the exact same size, stacked on top of each other in perfect harmony that would make a mathematician proud.

Just beside the cheese tray was one of various crackers, breads, and deli meats. Mera wasn’t sure if Tosa knew the others were bringing anything at this point. It looked like Tosa brought enough for about a dozen Kyrlicht.

Lastly there was a bottle of wine- no, two. One red and one white. They were tucked behind a few boxes of those juice pouches that Areia loved. Tosa truly was the intellectual of the group, always doing her best to anticipate everyone’s needs.

On the other side of the blanket… Well, it was clear Tosa hadn’t managed to work her magic. Hyacinth had clearly taken her ingredients out of the basket one by one, throwing them across the blanket as she brought out the next in excitement.

They were also clearly personal, various honeys and jams with various flower names scribbled across the front of jars sealed at home. The range of colors within the jars took Mera by surprise, but it matched what she grew at home for the butterflies to a tee.

There was also a baguette, the bag clearly opened and resealed with a single slice missing.

Still, Mera was sure that Tosa would appreciate her well meaning gifts more than his chaotic wicker basket filled with what could only be described as Areia’s dream. There were baked goods of various designs- macarons, sugar cookies, mini cheesecakes. A bit too extravagant, perhaps, with crystalline sugar decor and fondant swirls, but he couldn’t help it.

Any leftovers would surely be devoured by the reliable Areia and Babe, so he wasn’t at all concerned with making too many sweets. Mera loved creating baked goods for his friends. It was always a gift to treat them and get their feedback on new recipes he had altered or created.

It seemed as if Hyacinth felt the same, judging by the… thirteen? Thirteen jars scattered on the blanket.

So, quietly, Mera greeted the other two and presented his offerings. He was hardly expecting the way both of their eyes lit up in pure joy.

Hyacinth, perhaps, he could have predicted. She was a foodie at heart. Of the three of them she would be the first to dismiss the nutritional value of their picnic meals and dive into the dessert basket. “Oh, my god, can I put this lavender honey on the cheesecake?”

There was no chance for Mera to answer before Hyacinth snatched one up and proceeded to smother it in honey. Tosa followed suit, though a bit more resigned than her friend.

“You have to bring more of these next time.” Tosa demanded after her third determined bite, eyebrows furrowed and full concentration on the cheesecake in front of her.

Mera smiled. “Will do.”
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Cinder 1050
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Thumbnail for GA-010: Hyacinth

GA-010: Hyacinth

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