Submission (#96) Approved

27 March 2024, 00:22:50 CET (8 months ago)
29 March 2024, 18:09:38 CET (8 months ago) by Licht
Viola’s least favorite object that she owns would to be a sphere she believes to be cursed that is locked up in a chest she had made to keep the sphere locked away. The sphere would produce some kind of magic that would always kill off any of the plants that was around it until she had the chest made to lock the sphere away. Even if she would try to get rid of the sphere it would some how find its way back into her grasp cursing her once again with the dead plants that she has carefully cultivated to be the healthiest plants possible. She has no clue where the sphere came from just one day was there in front of her. It feels like it has a bad memory for her but cannot place where it's from. For now she had a chest made that is designed to handle the sphere keeping its cursed power in check and from killing her plants and trees. She has a special that she constructed from trees that sits not to far from her sight that became a dead husk of a tree that houses this chest and sphere. She despairs at the thought of this sphere staying where she is cursed with it and cannot wait to be rid of it.
Reward Amount
Cinder 350