Submission (#92) Approved

24 March 2024, 21:43:05 CET (11 months ago)
24 March 2024, 22:32:43 CET (11 months ago) by Licht
“If you could have any material what would it be?” Carradine’s question went unanswered for a considerable length of time.

Tosa paused their writings, sparing a glance at the mass of fireflies glowing steadily to her side. “Good question.”

But it wasn’t so simple to answer. There wasn’t anything material Tosa yearned for or wished for as her material. Carradine might have assumed they would answer ‘books’, but that… wasn’t truly feasible. It wasn’t as if she could take them out and read them like a portable mini library.

Perhaps if there were some way to bottle a concept she could imagine a version of herself with knowledge filled orbs. Still, it didn’t make sense to her. Logically, there wasn’t anything she could use to her benefit if it was floating immaterial at her side.

“I think…” Tosa trailed off, tapping her pen against the edge of her notebook. “I think I’m okay with the ones I have.”

The fireflies were more than just little bugs to Tosa. Symbolic of her first contract, they were a constant reminder of that time and everything she experienced during it. Without that night there’s no telling where she could have ended up.

“Ugh, you’re no fun.” When Tosa didn’t reply, Carradine took it upon themself to fill the following silence, “I’d have giant shrimp.”
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