Submission (#223) Approved

25 August 2024, 10:28:39 CEMT (6 months ago)
2 September 2024, 14:00:03 CEMT (6 months ago) by Licht
Sloth : peaceful, idyllic complacency. A hope that nothing ever changes- for the better or for the worse. A lake’s surface held at a serene stagnancy. A sky forever at afternoon bloom. He stands at a crossroads, teetering on either side, and opts to turn away from the street signs. Striking out on a path that certain goes somewhere but ends up nowhere is perfect stalling. Gerw accompanies him, and that suits him just fine. Sightsee the flower fields. Tend to the dry leaves. Dream of silly tricks performed by the mightiest of bunnies–er, wolps. No time is wasted with company. No time is wasted with Gerw. The hours could be filled with a wide load of nothing, and it would still be a good day.

A gentle sin, but a sin that haunts. It languishes over his shoulders by morning and does not speak. He fills in the words by reading the lips of the dreaded change. Spring does not last forever. One day, the winter frost will climb to the window glass. The seconds will become consequential. Thirdhand tales whisper. He can’t curl up to hide from the chill. But. For now, and many days in the future, he sleeps warm. The days are unshifting. Gerw huddles in her cozy basket as she deserves.
Reward Amount
Cinder 350
Thumbnail for OA-006: Melitodes

OA-006: Melitodes

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