Submission (#203) Approved

22 July 2024, 20:51:19 CEMT (7 months ago)
28 July 2024, 18:32:27 CEMT (7 months ago) by Licht
Viola's daily routine is simple in her eyes as she likes to get up, eat then get to work on her forest or making new seeds for
unique plants to spread. For her she likes to keep a simple routine with the addition of spending time with her lover Jax at times. She has a small variety of things she likes to do to keep her daily routine fun in her eyes.
For her daily routine she starts off her day with some breakfast with Jax. They sometimes make a game of who gets to cook breakfast for them that day. She loves to make breakfast for them using fruits. When breakfast is done she makes sure the dishes are done with before heading out to do some kind of work.
The next part of her day that takes a bulk is one of two things that in her eyes is a needed task to make sure everything is working perfectly. She likes to on one day work in the forest keeping it nice and pruned to the next day working in her office in a new kind of plant.
After the long day of work she heads home to her lover Jax to cuddle and spend time with him. She will grab a snack to eat as she curls up into his arms.
Reward Amount
Cinder 350