Submission (#197) Approved

3 July 2024, 04:35:42 CEMT (8 months ago)
3 July 2024, 17:22:11 CEMT (8 months ago) by Licht
Ren still hasn't learned if either his ears or his horns on his head are sensitive as he tries to back away from other kyrs touching the ears and horns on his head. On the other hand the horns on the dragon head are sensitive and make it laugh when touched. He lets others pet the dragon head when he is in a good mood and found out the dragon head loves to have its horns touched tickling them.
He doesn't let anybody near his ears as he typically doesn't like people near his head touching him all over his head. He feels that it is something special and hasn't found the person he is willing to allow to touch his head. Only once he finds the kyr he deems worthy of touching his ears and horns will he find out if they are sensitive to touch or not.
As for his dragon horns and ears he lets others touch them as it makes the dragon laugh from being ticklish. He found out that the dragon horns and ears were ticklish on accident one day as a feather fell lightly against them. He noticed that it laughed a guttural laugh as the feather gently fell on the dragon's horns so he decided to allow others to touch the horns and ears of the dragon head.
Reward Amount
Cinder 350