Submission (#177) Approved

18 June 2024, 21:17:24 CEMT (8 months ago)
22 June 2024, 15:07:46 CEMT (8 months ago) by Licht
The ears of Mr Polstergeist?
Well, he has two of them. What else can be said about them? Well, they are of nice jackal shape. Here it can be added thet they have firetips of nice rosy color.
But does it mean that they are some special ears. Or maybe that they are specially sensetive ears.
Honestly, he never had never cared about this question.
It was a very common night. Mr Polstergeist went to bed at nine PM as he was used to do. Cause early sleep is very good for the health. But here he got this question:
- Are your ears sensetive or not?
And it was the case, when he had no idea what to do. It was nine thirty. But he still could not fall asleep. The time went closer to ten PM. But he was still sleepless. The clock stroke midnight, when he got up and started his common night walking.
- Are my ears sensetive or not?
He placed a pot with potatoes on the fire but there was no answer. He checked everything in the house and outside of the house. But there was no any answer yet.
- I wish not to have any ears at all if they give so many food for thinking.
Fortunately the potatoes were already cooked. And it was the signal to came back to bed again.
- It looks as my ears aren't sensetive. Cause if they would, i could notice it.
And here he fell asleep. But the question about the sensetivity of the ears stayed sensetive for him.
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Cinder 350
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