Submission (#133) Approved

7 May 2024, 03:21:28 CEMT (10 months ago)
10 May 2024, 09:08:27 CEMT (10 months ago) by Licht
Azalea hates having messes laying around anywhere. To her she enjoys having everything in a proper manner so she can easily find everything. In her mind a clean area is a good area to find and operate. She feels as if keeping things fully clean helps keep her mind at ease.
If she sees a mess laying around her place she automatically goes into a cleaning mode and takes care of the mess that is there. Having a therapudic feel to it when she cleans it calms her to clean a mess as she sees it's instead of waiting for a different time which causes her stress.
It gets to the point she has even her clothes sectioned off by color and size from smallest to the biggest. There is other areas where she keeps even cleaner then her clothes like her seeds to her plants. For her the seeds and plants have to be in a fully proper order according to the name, but there is also where the elements come into play according to the plants.
Her plants and seeds must be put into a proper order according to the name and element they thrive the best in. She keeps such a clean list of the plants and seeds that there is a label system she set up to follow around what is laying around
Reward Amount
Cinder 350